HaPP!3 gREetinG Eu


Thursday, June 19, 2008

My bLOg BirthDay =)

Todae is my Bloggie Bufday
so hope i will go on using it and not stop writting blog AGAIN.

aNyway, todae i went inti college for a partay
and its quite...ermm...a little...

but i think i enjoy BUT not d partay part >< Its whr i "yum cha" wid my dearest (Qiang²)

Whr we drink .eat.crap at the LEO'S cafe in TAIPAN
guess how much ?
rm5.80 ( taxes not included YET

Leo damn kiam sia
p =.=
one small cup or isit a mug?
whr we can actually finish it
wid a single GULP?

oh and since this is my very first bloggie..

let me intro my beloved sweetheart ><

Name : Jonathan Chew
College : Inti
Age : Secretive =)

lolx~ love him the most ...mwahxx

though we always argue ( which happen RECENTLY)
some how there is a connection dat bond to tied us tight together ...=)

u r always d best of the best


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