Saturday, August 30, 2008
Busted =)
My mum din really notice about the car because she and lill bro was busy looking for our missing turtle. Poor Turtle got lost =(
I know turtle feel happy that he is finally free but too bad....
sHe was found dead few hours later opposite my house yard...i can imagine how happy she was when she is finally out of the small tiny cage.
OK, back to the car. My mum drop me at work at 3 something and 2 hours later she call and ask about the car. I stunned there a moment and replied her no. i remember the very nice sentence that i told my mum was .." if i bang the car, i would know"
So she thought she bang herself. phew..that was close
BUT today she question me again...and i was like "SHIT...shit!!!!"
She knew it and i had to tell the truth. Wth...i am so busted.
lucky the car was not badly damaged or elsee....hohohoo i dont know how her face expression will be like...=)
After we have our small conversation, baby brought me to eat BOSTON....yum yum =P
though we waited long, i love the food badly....(my point of view larhx)
And when we were on our way back, i saw a few rempit people who is damn stupid and lifeless speeding around klang with their malaysia flag on the hand. so damn lifeless ==..
thats all for today...i want go play game game =) TATTAA
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
waiting for my baby "driver"
i am so busy working and playing and studying and sleeping...
hehez..anyway, i went to genting last Wednesday...(i know its a long time story, but hei, no harm to update it ryt?? following will be some photos of me, my dumb sis and my baby =)

Cute ma? hehehx... took it in front of a mirror!!
my friends say i look stupid...dumb friend =.=

My dumb sis and me...=) dont look a like rite?
how come ah?
any information about movie you can ask me..i think i watch almost all of it =)
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Busy busy Moment <3
Work + assignment + Exam + hwork = OMG!!!!! time update..
working at TGV cinema every saturday and sunday
plus working at kumon every tues, thurs and fri...
Busy busy moment..
Well, if you guys ask me how i manage to study ryt...
HONESTLY not much, come back from work study..
early morning wake up study before i go to work.
But so far still can cope with my studies
That they have my econ exam and when my result was out,
the lecturer show a very, extremely, totally, seriously, badly a sorrow face. I was like
WHAT THE HELL, you came out from which Hell to take me away ??? LOLX~
wHEn i look at my paper, i was thinking...
this teacher too much siol~ only 4 wrong she show sour face to me..
However, i am lucky..some of my classmates who score same mark as me got scolded badly
aNYway, gtg prepare for work now...TATA
Friday, August 8, 2008
~ All aBouT Baby Boo~
and how it happens?
Its Complicated, only our close friends
who were with us understand and know everything..(winks*)
And if you ever mess with us...

So beware !! LOLX
Lub Ya dear =)
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Guardian Angel : Part 3
Isabella looking at her in a very blurred condition. Fortunately she can speak now, so she ask, " Who are you? What are..." Before she can finish the sentence she scream out loud when she sees the dark angel sitting right beside her.
" Dear, dear... don't be afraid. We are here to protect you and your family." Little girl explains and continue," I am Maryl and this scary looking guy here is my friend Aarign."
Isabella question again, " want mm..mee..?" With a trembling voice. "Plea...ssse do...n't ha..rrrrm..mmm mmm me...meee. I ha...havvve not sss...eeeen mmmm..myyy girl anddd... boy yet." She begged.
" Alright, to be honest, your life should end just now during your son birth but seeing the strong power glowing from your body has make me think twice. So, I allow you to give birth to your twins before i take you away." giggle Maryl
Isabella looking at Maryl with her eyes wide open and cried, " So , you going to bring me away from my family? I thought you just said you came and protect my family and i? I haven even got a chance to hold my babies, get promoted in my jobs and have a happy life with my beloved family..." The poor young woman was crying badly on her bed; wondering why she deserve to be punished. She begged Maryl and cried again, " Please..Please... i will do anything if you could just let me stay with my family." and this time,she come down from her bed and kneel down in front of Maryl grabbing her leg crying badly.
" I can't...I have broken the rules that the God has created. I am sorry." apologized Maryl as she is really feeling bad right now. She know that it will be hurtful to grab Isabella away from all her precious ones but there is nothing she can do.
Then dark angel suddenly speaks up, " I tell you what, we give you a chance to go let you live for another day. And you must do everything you want until tomorrow. The next day, on the same time i will take you away from your family."
"What can i do for a day? Pleaseeeee...i beg you, i want to see my children grow up.UHH~~" Wiping her tears which has not stop coming out from her eyes seen just now.
" You lead us no choice but too..." Whisper Maryl to Isabella
" But what..." Isabella feel cold and panic in a sudden when Maryl says that sentence.
Maryl read a spell again but Isabella know she is up to nothing good which would benefit her. She tries to escape. However, the Aarign will not sit quietly, he grab her tightly in his arms.
" To heaven, To hell i am calling upon you. Maryl here destroying Isabella career and take her soul out of her body and never regain her usual body again."
A white dim appears around Isabella body and...
-to be continue-
Friday, August 1, 2008
Guardian Angel : part 2
“She is safe as well. Isabella passes the critical situation and now she is in a very stable condition. And bro, CONGRATULATION! You are now officially a FATHER!”
James has never felt this happy in his life before except for his wedding with Isabella. He was glad everything is over and the tear that was trap inside his eyes was released too. Not because he is sad, but he is too ecstatic to know his family is all safe. When his wife is being pushed out from the room, he quickly goes towards his wife looking at her. And on that moment, he feels he is the luckiest human being on earth. He called his wife’s name severally but his wife seems not responding to him.
He was afraid something might go wrong with his beloved wife. Quickly James asks his sister,” What is wrong with her? She doesn’t response to me at all?”
“Don’t worry James. We injected some medicine before we took your baby girl out. Therefore, she will currently feel numb until the medicine dose is gone.” Explained Doctor Lucy
James tears starts to flow down his cheeks again. Well, no one can possibly blame him for treasuring his wife so much more than anything else in the world. They have an inner story that linked them together without anyone knowledge as it’s their secret and they prefer to keep it mystery.
After he settles Isabella hospitalized form, he quickly walks to his wife ward to accompany her. He wants Isabella to see him first once she opens her eyes, so that she doesn’t feel scared to see herself alone in the ward. While he was sitting on the chair sleeping like a dead person, his wife woke up. She try to call her husband but it seems that she have no strength to speak. Then, she tries to reach him, yet she fail as her body is extremely weak. Her poor body can’t use much energy now, and she still trying her best to wake her husband. Unfortunately, something happen—something that bound to happen few hours ago just happen.
A dark angel that looks more horrible than ancient Gothic was standing beside her. She was frighten and tried to scream. She forces herself to move to wake her husband up, yet she fail again. The dark angel just stared at her blue eyes with his fiery red eyes, not to mention he has 4 eyes—two on the forehead and another two around his chin area. He has no nose but 1 gigantic mouth in the middle of his face. His dark reddish black hair covers his ears which is very long till it touches the ground. He was wearing something like Gothic outfit –The sleeve was one long and another side is sleeveless with a horrible tattoo until it is indescribable along with a dark red long pant that seems to be very dirty. He is also holding a stick that looks like a triton and the stick body has a curve of a snake.
Isabella tears starts to flow down from her cheeks, feeling afraid and terrified. But her tear starts to flow badly when the dark angel suddenly point his sharp triton to her face where left few inches for him to stab her into her eyes. Isabella was nervous and she starts to sweat; she swallows her saliva several times due to the voices which is stuck beneath her throat. Her mind is totally blank as she realize her life is in great danger with a weird nasty creature staring at her.
Suddenly, the dark angel lifted up his armor high up in the air with full force and…
to be continue
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Guardian Angel
“BREATHE! BREATHE! Honey, Honey…look at me sweetie. Look at me!” cried James as his wife is being pushed into the Emergency room in the Hospital Oliver at 2.35 am on Monday. With tears swimming in his eyes trying to find a way out to drip, he comforts his beautiful wife,” Everything will be fine. I promise! You, baby girl, Vill and baby boy Bill will be safe. Trust me, I know you guys will. Relax honey ~relax…” James was holding his beloved Isabella hand tightly. Seeing his wife screaming in pain, vagina bleeds none stops flowing down from the leg and the vain can be seen obviously every part of her body, James feels useless as there is nothing he can do than comforting her. His only hope is Doctor Lucy whom is known as Bill elder sister.
When his wife is in the Operation room, he still hears his wife screaming in pain. Listening to the way she screams, he feels guilty for not advising her not to keep these twins. His sister mentions before that, Isabella has a very weak body where she can’t be able to keep the baby. One baby is too much for her body, now two? –but his wife insist to keep the baby for James sake. She knows how much his husband love children and wants to have their very own child. James was praying hard while waiting for Lucy helping Isabella in giving birth. Then, James parents came.
“What happened? I thought Lucy says that Isabella will be operated on August, and now is only June?” asked James’ mum, Fionn anxiously.
“I don’t know!! Isabella accidentally hit the edge of the table. BUT it wasn’t hard” Explained James and continued “I should have look after her properly” Feeling bad, he keep hitting his head towards the wall.
Fionn and his husband John looking at him, knowing that their daughter-in-law is in a critical condition.
Few hours later, one of the nurses came rushing out from the Operation Room. James manages to grab her arm and ask about the wife condition.
“How’s my wife? How are my children? HOW ARE THEY?”
“Your son is safe but due to your wife’s weak body, she can’t get through your daughter birth. Now we need to operate her to bring out your second child. Please be patient Mr James.” The nurse explains.
Trying to comfort him, she added “They are all professional doctors and they will do the best they can-So please stay calm.”
After waited for a very long hour, the ‘Operation Room’ light is finally switched off and…
“Sis, how’s she?” Asking her sister emotionally, hoping that it would not be a bad news.
The sister looks at him and just shook, “I am sorry, I manage to safe my niece but Isabella…”
“Isabella? Isabella? WHAT?! WHAT?! SPEAK UP!!” yell James.
-to be continue-
Monday, July 21, 2008
A story to share =)
He has a very bad character where you will never see him apologize in a sincere manner. Yes, he will apologize but when he say he was sorry, he will at some of a very sarcastic words after the 1 word 'Sorry'. So, Selina was thinking, what is the point of him apologizing to people when he is turning one big bush to shoot the people back.There was once, Andy went for a movie with some of his school mates after school around 2 something. Selina's gang tagged him along ignoring his weird attitude. After the movie, they went for a drink at restaurant call Pinky Sam. While they were having their time sitting around drinking and eating, Andy says he want to go for a walk and buy a couple of things before we head home.
He went with Alice as he call Alice to accompany him. Alice don't wants to go follow him around as she prefer to sit around in the restaurant to eat with Selina and the rest. Somehow, she know she need to follow as she understand Andy well enough. Andy would show his sour face and started to say sarcastic thing about Alicia and she does not want that to happen for it may spoil their relationship. Selina and Bie was glad that she did not tag them along - but if Bie really been tag, she will just reject him without hesitating. She don't really give a damn about Andy, however Selina would not dare to say NO to him. In a positive statement to describe about Selina is she don't want to hurt Andy feeling and if in a negative statement, Selina is just to coward to speak for herself. Selina does not want to wrack their relationship badly because she knew when she really blow up, there might not be a U-turn.
As Alicia was being dragged away by Andy, she look at them with her mouth moving trying to speak up without her voice being dragged out from her throat. Oh~ and all of them know what Alicia is trying to convey. -HELP ME- Looking her following Andy in a miserable situation, they feel bad for her. So, when Selina, Bie , David and Staq pay for the drinks and food they order. Staq paid for Andy and Alicia 1st -for he is having more cash than everyone of them is carrying. Guess what, Alicia did pay back the drinks she ordered but not for Andy. Poor Staq refuse to ask for the money back from Andy. He don't know how to ask the cash back from Andy and Andy, (joker) acting over there as if he did not order anything to drinks.
And there was once, Andy was being hired for a job from his friend, Tan. He paid him in the beginning of the month but with his irresponsible attitude, he always mess up big time. Tan ask him to do complete some task, but he always hand in late, lazy want to do complete it and HETE will complete it for him. Might as we, Tan hired Hete or do it all by himself rather then wasting money on Andy. If someone hired you, any of you, will you or will you not be responsible in that job?
Tan try to complain. He told Andy in an indirect manner but in a very polite way, therefore he not expecting any negative thought can pop out from Andy's mind.
Sadly, Andy's mind is pretty creative. Not only he did not apologize for his mistake instead, he reply Tan in a very sarcastic words. Tan was really pissed and angry.
Tan : (politely, while they were eating) Andy, is the task i gave a bit to hard for you? Do you need any help? Because those task must be hand in on time to the management for remarks
Andy: Aiyo, if you want fast, next time don't ask me do it.
Tan was really angry. His mind was thinking, i pay wages to Andy and this is what i get? No efficiency, productivity nor most importantly RESPONSIBILITY and can't be reliable, but then again, he know Andy more than anyone else except Selina. He know the argument worth nothing and only destroy their friendship. So, Tan was trying to find a way to ask Andy not to work the following project. But how?
-to be continue-
Saturday, July 19, 2008
erm...headless blog
i had no comment on it as i studied last minute AGAIN
well, what can anyone of you say about it?
i ain't a book worm, Books are so not my best friend.
The result is okay as i pass everything
when i was thinking i might fail Econ
Fortunate for me, i pass all of it and i am qualify to enter
Rmit Degree =)
I got 1 Distinction and the rest is credit
Well, there's only 3 subject.
So there's nothing much for me to fuss about
Ok~ My life is getting miserable and
Only some of my friends know why or how my life started to get miserable
Believe me, nowadays my smile is getting more and more fake
FOR Not wanting any of my REAL FRIENDS seeing me quite upset
That's why i must stick my smile to them
So far, only baby and another guy(my baby best friend)
get to see my real emotion, get to see how i really feel
AND baby,
u lose to your best friend
Pls, learn from your master ><
Moving on, today went for a movie at 1utama with baby
What else can i name the movie which just released?
Dark Knight..
Well, i have totally no comment about it because
i not really into batman show and
i kinda miss the beginning of the show because of something
Baby manage to watch but not me ..
I have some things to settle..
if i am not mistaken,
i remember seeing Edison inside the film
but as a 'keh leh fair' nie
i was wondering if i see wrongly
I mean you cant really blame me if i cant really see him
it was like a glimpse, which he was be spotted by me at the camera
where he came out less then 5 seconds.
Surprising he is still acting
Didn't any mafia kill him yet?
After the movie, we head to a restaurant named
omg~ i love it like hell..
all choco..drinks, food, cake, YUM YUM YUM
few samples to share with you guys =)
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Few sickening Days
My degree started and i kinda getting sick of it as its really really hard for me to cope due to the small class room which is pack with people. I cant really see the board nor look at the teacher clearly. And some of us have to squeeze to sit together on the same table. Apparently, its so damn uncomfortable and make me feel quite pissed. Can't really look at the slide, too many people, cant really listen to lecturer...zzz
I wonder if this is the cause that makes me so sick or i washed my hair and didn't let it dry before i fall asleep on my comfortable bed? On Tuesday during my working period from 4 pm - 9.30 pm i started to feel a bit drowsy and headache. But i did not worry much as i thought i was very tired. Therefore, i just go home, take a nice warm shower and complete my homework till 11 something and jump on to my bed. My hair was not really dry that time. Anyway, the next day i am not really feeling well and I plan to go out with my boyfriend and his friends. Though i am having a slight fever, i still want to follow my boyfriend out for a movie. When he suddenly tell me the plan cancel, i got kinda very fast angry but not really because the plan failure. It is because something had happened before i met him.
Baby told me that all his friends are not going with us but only both of us only. So i just nodded or agree or what so ever and sadly, i still not really in a mood. I think the sick cause my temper. We went and watched some show..Damn~ i can't really remember what we watched. Was a bit drowsy and blur that time. As soon as the movie had finished, we walk around for like 20 minutes and we went home by taxi. He bought for me the taxi ticket that cost rm21 to reach my house and he plan to take a bus to KTM station. Then, i don't know what happen or how NOR why, i suddenly ask him follow me go home and he also in a very blur situation jump into the taxi and follow me to kota kemuning. While the taxi was driving, we ask each other why is he on the taxi following me back home. I can't really drive that time. MY mind was completely blank.
Unfortunately there is no choice for me, so i need to fetch him either his house or to shah alam KTM station and i pick his home because i still don't really know how to get to the Shah Alam KTM station. When we arrived to my house, my mum wasn't around and there was no car for me to use. Luckily i got the house keys rather then just standing outside miserable. A moment later, my mum came back and i told her that i need to use the car but i got rejected. My mum says she need to use the car to fetch my bro home by 6 and it was 5 that time. Well, well, well, it seems that she underestimate my driving skill. I couldn't really argue back BECAUSE she thinks i drive real slow.(LOL) She volunteer herself to fetch my boy home and she asked him where to drop him. Of course baby won't be so stupid enough to ask my mum to fetch him home BUT we are STUPID enough to ask my mum to drop him back at subang KTM station. Once again we are at subang. My bf and i was kinda speechless. For nothing he follow me home and i have to follow him back to subang AGAIN. Well this is how my Wednesday goes.
Now lets talk about Thursday. That day around 12 something in the morning my friend send me a text message asking me for a movie in the afternoon. At 1st i rejected him but later on i message him again and agree with him due to 'I am a DEJAVU'. If anyone of you want to know what i predict, come ask me. I was really sick that day which is worst then Wednesday and i still follow them out. I wonder if the fever temperature is too high until it burn away my brain function to think. Although i feel like going home, i can't and why? i am so smart enough that i lied to my mum saying i got class till 3. While walking unstably in sunway pyramid, i decided not to go work later at 4. So i message my boss, and told her i can't make it due to examination (another lie) and a high fever (it's true). Now i know why my friends love to lie to her for and off day. She really do believes it.
Anyway, we watch 'Journey to the center of the earth'. In my opinion, it was quite boring and we watch 2D, not 3D. 2D is much cheaper compare with 3D. I was freezing in there not only because of the air conditional and also i had a very bad horrible and nasty fever. After the movie ends, we went to Kim Gary to have a drinks. Wonderful of me, i order wrong drinks and wrong soup. I can feel my body is really burning. Feel like going home and take a nice sleep. Why i didn't do that? Oh~ i lied to my mum. Regretted lying to her.
So, as soon as i return home from sunway, my mum took me to the clinic. The doctor suspected i might get dengue. This is because when he check my throat it was not red or i anyhow don't feel itchy. Therefore, he ask me to go urine in a small tiny small bottle for him to test. And i am SOOOO pathetic for asking him how to pee? My mum kept on making fun of me when we got home. Okay~ back to the doctor..urine thingy.. I went to the bath room holding the bottle nervously. I really am wondering and thinking how am i going to urine into the bottle. My mum ask me to shoot out to the bottle so i aspect when she say 'shoot out' it means stand and urine like how most boys do. Well, its so DAMN DISGUSTING!!!! i can't aim like how guys, 'IT' got on my hand too...OH MY GOD..i will remember that day..10 jun 2008 at 4.40pm in Doctor Ding Kota Kemuning. When the result was out, the doctor say i have a very high percentage of dengue. And for extra information, the urine test was not basically to test if i got dengue or not. Is to test if my fever is not the cause from dengue. Unfortunately, there is not bacteria that show symptoms of me having fever cause of bacteria. So, the doc told my mum if tomorrow my condition is getting much worst than that day, i need to seek him back immediately for blood test and blood pressure.
And KK residents, my advise, there's lots of dengue cases happening now in our area. So try avoid and kill all the dumb mosquito ESPECIALLY those that cause dengue..
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Horoscope tru Month =) copyright from Orange baby ..
Pretty/handsome. Loves to dress up. Easily bored.
Fussy. Seldom shows emotions. Takes time to
recover when hurt. Sensitive. Down-to-Earth.
Abstract thoughts. Loves reality and abstract.
Intelligent and clever. Changing personality.
Attractive. Sexiest out of everyone.
Temperamental. Quiet, shy and humble. Honest
and loyal. Determined to reach goals. Loves
freedom. Rebellious when restricted. Loves
aggressiveness. Too sensitive and easily hurt.
Gets angry really easily but does not show it.
Dislikes unnecessary things. Loves making friends
but rarely shows it. Daring and stubborn.
Ambitious. Realizing dreams and hopes. Sharp.
Loves entertainment and leisure. Romantic on the
inside not outside. Superstitious and ludicrous.
Attractive personality. Sexy. Affectionate Shy and
reserved. Secretive. Naturally honest, generous
and sympathetic. Loves peace and serenity.
Sensitive to others. Great kisser. Easily angered.
Trustworthy. Appreciative and returns kindness.
Hardly shows emotions. Tends to bottle up
feelings. Observant and assesses others.
Suave and compromising. Funny and humorous.
Stubborn. Very talkative. Calm and cool. Kind and
sympathetic. Concerned and detailed. Loyal. Does
work well with others. Very confident. Sensitive.
Positive Attitude. Thinking generous. Good
memory. Clever and knowledgeable. Loves to look
for information. Able to cheer everyone up and/or
make them laugh. Able to motivate oneself and
others. Understanding. Fun to be around.
Outgoing. Hyper. Bubbly personality. Secretive.
Boy/girl crazy. Loves sports, music, leisure and
travelling. Systematic. hot but has brains.
Stubborn and hard-hearted. Strong-willed and
highly motivated. Sharp thoughts. Easily angered.
Attracts others and loves attention. Deep feelings.
Beautiful physically and mentally. Firm Standpoint.
Needs no motivation. Shy towards opposite sex.
Easily consoled. Systematic (left brain). Loves to
dream. Strong clairvoyance. Understanding.
Sickness usually in the ear and neck. Good
imagination. Good physical. Weak breathing. Loves
literature and the arts. Loves travelling. Dislike
being at home. Restless. Not having many children.
Hardworking. High spirited.
You love to make new friends and be outgoing. You are a great flirt
and more than likely have an a very attractive
partner. a wicked hottie. It is also more than likely
that you have a massive record collection. You
have a great choice in films, and may one day
become a famous actor/actress yourself.
Fun to be with. Secretive. Difficult to fathom and to
be understood. Quiet unless excited or tensed.
Takes pride in oneself. Has reputation. Easily
consoled. Honest. Concerned about people's
feelings. Tactful. Friendly. Approachable.
Emotional temperamental and unpredictable.
Easily hurt. Witty and sparkly.
spazzy at times.
Not revengeful. Forgiving but never forgets.
dislikes nonsensical and unnecessary things.
Guides others physically and mentally. Sensitive
and forms impressions carefully. Caring and
loving. Treats others equally. Strong sense of
sympathy. Wary and sharp. Judges people
through observations. Hardworking. No difficulties
in studying. Loves to be with friends ... Always broods
about the past and the old friends. Waits for
friends. Never looks for friends. Not aggressive
unless provoked. Loves to be loved. Easily hurt
but takes long to recover.
outgoing personality. takes risks. feeds on
attention. no self control. kind hearted. self
confident. loud and boisterous. VERY revengeful.
easy to get along with and talk to. has an 'every
thing's peachy' attitude. likes talking and singing.
loves music. daydreamer. easily distracted. Hates
not being trusted. BIG imagination. loves to be
loved. hates studying. in need of 'that someone'.
longs for freedom. rebellious when withheld or
restricted. lives by 'no pain no gain' caring.
always a suspect. playful. mysterious. 'charming'
or 'beautiful' to everyone. stubborn. curious.
independent. strong willed. a fighter
Active and dynamic. Decisive and haste but tends
to regret. Attractive and affectionate to oneself.
Strong mentality. Loves attention. Diplomatic.
Consoling, friendly and solves people's problems.
Brave and fearless. Adventurous. Loving and
caring. Suave and generous. Usually you have
many friends. Enjoys to make love. Emotional.
Stubborn. Hasty. Good memory. Moving, motivates
oneself and others. Loves to travel and explore.
Sometimes sexy in a way that only their lover can
Loves to chat. Loves those who love them. Loves
to takes things at the centre. Inner and physical
beauty. Lies but doesn't pretend. Gets angry
often. Treats friends importantly. Brave and
fearless. Always making friends. Easily hurt but
recovers easily. Daydreamer. Opinionated. Does
not care to control emotions. Unpredictable.
Extremely smart, but definitely the hottest AND
sexiest of them all
Trustworthy and loyal. Very passionate and
dangerous. Wild at times. Knows how to have fun.
Sexy and mysterious. Everyone is drawn towards
your inner and outer beauty and independent
personality. Playful, but secretive. Very emotional
and temperamental sometimes. Meets new people
easily and very social in a group. Fearless and
independent. Can hold their own. Stands out in a
crowd. Essentially very smart. Usually, the
greatest men are born in this month. If you ever
begin a relationship with someone from this month,
hold on to them because their one of a kind
This straight-up means ur the most good-looking
person possible... better than all of these other
months! Loyal and generous. Patriotic. Competitive
in everything. Active in games and interactions.
Impatient and hasty. Ambitious. Influential in
organizations. Fun to be with. Easy to talk to,
though hard to understand. Thinks far with vision,
yet complicated to know. Easily influenced by
kindness. Polite and soft-spoken. Having lots of
ideas. Sensitive. Active mind. Hesitating, tends to
delay. Choosy and always wants the best.
Temperamental. Funny and humorous. Loves to
joke. Good debating skills. Has that someone
always on his/her mind. Talkative. Daydreamer.
Friendly. Knows how to make friends. Abiding.
Able to show character. one guy/girl kind of
person. Loveable. Easily hurt. Prone to getting
colds. loves music.
I am december girl..its quite accurate for me =)
how about you guys?
Monday, July 7, 2008
First day Of mUAH Degree
because i cant really understand what does my lecturer is super duper strict and another is super duper lame...Well, baby it seems that you are truly right about metropolitan is famous of weirdness ...
And this year will be a bit special as i am in a same class with one of my buddy name winnie =)
she fetches me to college everyday except for Thurs due to freedom that day. My Monday lecture for Macroeconomic was really long (sleepy) is like from 8 till 11 wei..damn insane but thats not it. Later from 11 i got another account subject till 1...So its like 8 am till 1 pm butt was numb today as i been sitting there for 6 hours ...Ouch~!
Can't really get use to my new course. New friends, new lecturer and new subjects..It's so like stress kuasa 2..hope i can survive these 3 years without failing anything...GOOOD LUCK TO MUAH YEAAA =)
Saturday, July 5, 2008
What A day (:
Soon, when he arrived WHICH IS AT 11.50, i got into the car. i started complaining and blow all my anger to him. After i release all my anger, we head to our 1st destination which is Hong Leong Bank where i need to bank in my salary into the account. Then, we head to our 1nd destination which is Midvalley to watch HanCock. Unfortunately, the show was full and many people were lining up to buy ticket for movies. We did plan to watch other movie instead of HanCock but most of the show we all watched before. So, i got up with a wonderful plan. I told baby that , since we are at bangsar, why dont we just go to Times Square and see if there's any nice timing for HanCock or other movies. Well, as soon as we arrive to TS, go straight to the cinema wondering if there would be a very high chance to buy movie of our day. Sadly NO! The system was down and there's only limited show. OMG~ how can this be happening. Later on, we decided to queue for the ticket untill i heard WRONGLY 2.30 movie for HanCock over here. I quickly ask baby to follow me to look for the line. Guess what? we are lining in that line but i got out from it FOR LISTENING WRONGLY. Then, i told baby there is another floor selling movie ticket as well. i brought him there and we started lining up again. AGAIN sadly, the movie for HanCock must be bought at the previous cinema we queuing up at. Baby and i was like~ speechless. End up we decided to walk around shopping and have our lunch.
Somehow, i don't know what happen, we suddenly make up our mind to go AEON to have our last luck. If there's no nice movie for us to enjoy, then that's it. We give up and call it a day. Baby drove all the way back to klang again. Its like going one big circle ending up no where. Luckily, the cinema wasn't pack, have some movies we haven't watch and the timing was perfect. Instead of watching HanCock, we watched 'DOomsDays'. Well, its interesting and exciting. i enjoy the movie (:
That's all for our journey. We head home after watching our show.
In conclusion, my journey was almost traveling the whole Kuala Lumpur ( from midvalley to TS) then from TS to Bukit Tinggi. We took quite sometime to reach TS as we are not familiar to KL roading ...what a day right?
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
eNds Of Foudy..ere cum degree
its quite a relieve that my foundation ends today
Unfortunately this happy moment is going to end pretty soon
Sadly, next week will be my degree
i dont really have enough holiday
but, trying to comfort myself,i look at the bright side
i explain to myself that once the degree starts i can meet my bf..
and all my memory about economic and business statistic is still fresh
(fake feeling, in my heart i m shouting)
So, since today will be the very last day my class mate and i
hanging out together, they plan to go sunway for a movie
and steamboat for dinner
We watched GET SMART
(i watch twice,and i think i had a habit of watching again and again)
before the show, we head to sakae sushi
we have only 40 minutes left before the show starts
and we like totally forget about it...
we eat quite a lot :-
~my favourite Yakitori~
That's how we eat for 20 minutes
due to lack of time, we only can eat this much
overall is rm 110 (for me its reasonable as we order sashimi etc. as well)
Later on, we went shopping after the movie
my bf ask me to go find Ray at Asia Avenue[in sunway]
but i cant manage to do so because i dont even really know where is the shop
and some of us are not really into shopping spree
Guess what we do?
sitting down and snappin picture
1 word to describe~Lifeless~
around 7,we leave sunway and go eat steeamboat call 'Summer'
i keep asking my friend to order tomyam soup also
and BELIEVE me
cost rm20 per head
Though,the food is not really fresh, not much of variety
the soup was quite tasty
so, basically, i pay rm20 just to drink the soup
that's a bit dumb (winks*)
i keep drinking the tomyam soup
Following will be a few picture taken in steamboat restaurant
well, its quite fun except 1 of our friend wasn't there..
anyway..must study hard for my degree
no more fooling (FOOLISH CRAP)
Then, after the dinner, we all plan to go home and rest
as we dont really get to rest well due to our final examination
My friend who drove kelisa fetched my friends and i home
6 people inside 1 small tiny car
i can feel that the car is going to 'TENGELAM'
OMG(oh my god) its s damn dumb..
introducing AF3 from metropolitan
Saturday, June 28, 2008
o.O.o FUIYOH o.O.o
my boy and i went to subang parade to collect our salary
BUT, d idiotic manager in Personal Department..
Tell me and my dear,
Niapok...2 months d still haven give me my salary...
MORAL LESSON number 1 : Dont work in Subang Parade thats full of MUDBLOODs
Then, v head to 1utama
we go buy ticket in cinema..watched Wanted and Run FAT BOY Run
Well, Wanted was okay la..BUT d R.F.B.R....(for me la) SUCK
its not really a comedy..its like romance movie =__=
not dat i dun like romance movie, i was like looking forward
as i thought it would be a very funny and dumb show...
who knows...HAIIIXXX
MORAL LESSON number 2 : Dont judge d show by the name
Later after d movie, we head home...
cuz as i mention my earlier bloggie
exam wan study...
my boy was driving averagely, while i was sleeping like a piggie..
d ENGINE suddenly broke down..
wonderful ><
the car was like (TRRRR TRRR TRRR )
luckily, we was around the petrol station
so, we park at d shell station
we ask for some help at d station AND
they all tak paham apa yang jonathan (hubby) talking...
Walao wei~ so, end up..the kesas people come and fix d car..
i was quite relieved wen its free and chances of fixing d car was quite high
UNFORTUNALY, dey oso duno how to fix it..
dey ask us to call d toll and toll d car back to klang..ZZZ OMG~!!!
it cost rm160 like dis...
then, my dad juz arrive in time...
cuz d station was quite near to my housin area...
my dad ask jon to leave the car, and next day only ask d mechanic to come and fix it
so, jon agree as its d best way rather den paying for tolling d car..
now he is sleeeping at his cousin hs which is not really far away frm my hs =__=
MORAL LESSON number 3: never drive the car wen u know it's sumthing wrg
hahah..wonderful day todae...quite a journey
tmr i meeting my hubby for breakfast along wid his cousinns..
hope 2mr will b a better day..
Today, i surely wake up on the wrong side of d bed..
MORAL LESSON number4 : must sleep early (though i duno why)
p/s i dun blame u dear...ur car sending u msg =)
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Baby DeaR ...55 recover =)
i love u soo muchhh muahhxx
❤Baby Dear Always❤
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
College Life?
my final semester is like coming soon..
and i m getting slack in studies..
i wonder if i can score straight A's dis time..
lolx~ (dream la happie...slowly dream)
next week is my final and next week is also the week i starting my degree
HAHA!! no break till nov...what the tooot wei =____=
i covering my econ and stats d..
still left management..
stats= business statistic..
Speaking of Stats la..dis semester was d 1st time in my life
i din do well in maths ><
its not bcuz i duno how to do..
but d ques is vry tricky..
or i m STUPID? T.T
my brain now is like full of macro economic thingy!
wait la..wait till monday after exam..all of my econ memory will be throw
into the garbage bin and i will burn it ~
haiixx...STRESS stress Stress!!
I wonder will i enjoy in degree..
i was hoping to get friends who really are friends and not acting as 1
wonder why dey love to act good in front of u and backstab u in d back?
is dat their hobby and interest? weirdo~
and u guys ( any friends) happen to read dis
if u think i m writing abt u..well i m
no offence..CHANGE ur alti ..
u dislike me, den dun come near me
i dun give a damn abt u guys?
if u cant get to mix wid me den dun?
i din force u guys to come here..
and if u dun feel like answering any ques i ask..
dont go show dat weird look...
swt =___=
i miss my schl life badly..
i damn ANTI-SOCIAL liao..
why must we grow up and change d alti?
is dis call life?
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Another LifeLEss Day
Damn earlyyyyyy ><
i tot can sleep longer as todae my class cancelll..
but my mum ask me to accompany her jogging wo~
lolx..go nie lorhx...sobs T.T
go walk at d lake side.. d scenery is nice,
got wind but all grandma grandpa..
i wonder..m i d youngest dere.. LOLX~~~
but i manage to snap one nice scenery...

Quite nice hor? can see d sun clearly =))
later on, wen tapau den go home eat..
afta i makan d hor~~
i go BOM---sLEEP like a piggie till 12.30
den tio scold frm my mum for sleeping till so late...
she says "as a girl, u mustn't sleep till so late~ BLA BLA BLA~
haix..feel like taking an off day de..but
i off laz fri, so dun think i can lorhx..
i workin in kumon and teachin student..
so got 2 student very ermm...dOiNky
got 1 mistake very funny..
i ask her go trace d answer but instead of doing dat she go...
i really zha doh =.=''
got another wan..i name it
HEADLESS answer =)
she got d answer correct la ( for d remainder)
but she got no specific answer on top..
so i was wondering..
how SMART she was =)
p/s i like damn bad xuan my own student
i think the student mistake is my fault..
i loook like a scary witch perhaps..
thats why dey all very scared to look at me and ask me ques?
hahaha~ pls dun agree..
den got a few workers damn FUCK UP wan lorhx
damn freaking lazy..
LOLX~ but actually i oso d same..
so i also known as F** up ?
blek ...><
Monday, June 23, 2008
PicTureS Day <3
but i m putting a few of it only =)
( sweet ><)
Lol~ ME trying to act cute??
hope u not eating anything while u looking at dis =_=
in case u may PUKE!!
And Todae we have a SPM ceremony award whr my friends
receive some cek ..
the cek is under our dad's name
haiiixx ....
i got 2k...i wonder my mates got wat? =)
later on, i like an insane gurl
walking up d street , passing all d constuction workers
taxi drivers, bird, trees, cars and etc~
juz to go FTZ asia cafe to meet my bf..
OH~! guess wat..i saw a CUTE panda wid hair ...
it is so cute...<3 But its running ard playing ppl's Dota game why??
the owner fall asleep while looking after PANDA
if any1 wan to see how d PanDa LOOKs like pls click d button
at My friends profile name Nick> pANDa
p/s was juz joking..dun get angry if u guys really see it ><
Sunday, June 22, 2008
why cant d cockroach be considerate and get loss??
i wan to cook maggie mee de lei...
stupid cockroach...
i spray d sheltox as much as i can to destoy u all
i hate you !!!!!!!
hungry hungry hungry hungry hungry hungry
sobs sobs T.T
stupid cockroachesssssssss....
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Car Exhibition and SNoOker
both of them are frenly and funny...
my bf and i fetch my sis to sp 1st den we wen to kutu hs to pick him up
and den we went to an appartment near d asia cafe to fetch xiang
Later on, we went to sp as i need to fetch my doinky sister home b4 5.30
as my cousin have a wedding dinner..
so, the 1st thing we did wen we go sunway IS?
find parking of cuz ( LAME huh?)lolx~ ><
we went to car exhibition at d new wing..
following has a few pic of car dat looks nice =)
Nice rite? Envy ?
i wonder why GUYS really into CARS GIRLS & MONEY?
but usually guys love cars more rite?
for me la, 10 of d dumb guys i noe 9 also obsess over a car.
What so nice abt it? can it be compare to girls dat like diamond??
hmmm~ nid do survey abt dis i think...
Then, we saw a group of dumb people doing commercial..LOOK:-
LOLx~ anyway, after dis we went to cinema
Damn banyak people..
so we din watch and end up eating BBQ plaza and play snooker..
Well, my bf and i din play but just looking at two pro playing (winks*)
4 me la~ dey are really damn good ><
Look how kutu's face looks like wen he is in a SERIOUS look =P
hmm~ unfortunately cant see him ....
*(sry yea try to promote eu but fail)
later on we went to bkt tinggi JJ to watch a movie larhx
damn dumb ( i noe)
sp tak mau watch, wan watch at klang..swt =.=
we watch MOH(Made of hOnour)
quite nice larhx..LOLX~
i kinda enjoy it...
SO now, i mau study..
exam cuming FRUSS!!
Thursday, June 19, 2008
My bLOg BirthDay =)
so hope i will go on using it and not stop writting blog AGAIN.
aNyway, todae i went inti college for a partay
and its quite...ermm...a little...
but i think i enjoy BUT not d partay part >< Its whr i "yum cha" wid my dearest (Qiang²)
Whr we drink .eat.crap at the LEO'S cafe in TAIPAN
guess how much ?
rm5.80 ( taxes not included YET)
Leo damn kiam siap =.=
one small cup or isit a mug?
whr we can actually finish it wid a single GULP?
oh and since this is my very first bloggie..

Name : Jonathan Chew
College : Inti
Age : Secretive =)
lolx~ love him the most ...mwahxx
though we always argue ( which happen RECENTLY)
some how there is a connection dat bond to tied us tight together ...=)
u r always d best of the best